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Friday, August 6, 2010

Child Nutrition Initiative Applauds Senate for Passage of Critical Legislation to Strengthen Nutrition Standards, Improve Children's Health

/PRNewswire/ -- The Child Nutrition Initiative commends Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee and ranking member Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) for their hard work and commitment to pass the bipartisan Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (S. 3307) - a vital step in the effort to improve children's health and increase their access to nutritious school meals. We applaud the Senate for their strong bipartisan support and encourage the U.S. House to act quickly to pass similar legislation so critical improvements can be signed into law this year.

This important legislation improves the nutrition standards for meals served in schools through the national school breakfast and lunch programs as well as food sold in vending machines and other outlets on school grounds. These improvements are central to the effort to combat skyrocketing obesity rates that have left almost one third of U.S. children and adolescents overweight or obese. The bill also improves access to meals for many children who rely on them as one of their most reliable sources of food. With more than 30 million children participating in school meal programs, it is critical that we provide schools with the resources they need to improve children's health and readiness to learn.

The Child Nutrition Initiative encourages members of the House to act quickly to ensure critical bipartisan improvements are enacted by passing the Improving Nutrition for America's Kids Act (H.R. 5504), which has already passed out of the House Education and Labor Committee under the leadership of Chairman George Miller (D-CA). We urge House leaders to work quickly to pass the bill before it expires on September 30th.

Strong nutrition programs are good for our kids and good for our nation. We congratulate the Senate on this bold step forward and encourage House Leadership to capitalize on this unique opportunity to invest in the future of our country by bringing this important legislation to the floor before September 30th.

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