Crocs, Inc.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Entertainment Publications Uncovers America's Most Generous Cities

/PRNewswire/ -- Entertainment Publications LLC,, ranks Washington, D.C., as America's most generous city, based on funds raised for schools and community groups through the sale of Entertainment Membership Books and the company's cookie dough and Sally Foster gift items. Following Washington on the "America's Most Generous Cities" list are three cities from the traditionally hospitable South: Atlanta, Dallas and Houston (tied with Seattle).

Combined, America's Top 10 Most Generous cities donated approximately $22 million to support local schools and community groups.

The top 10 cities ranked by Entertainment Publications are:
1. Washington D.C./Maryland
2. Atlanta
3. Dallas
4. Houston
5. Seattle
6. Minneapolis/St. Paul
7. Chicago
8. Salt Lake City
9. Orange County, Calif.
10. Denver

Other cities topping the list with generous community contributions include Kansas City, Kan.; Detroit; Boston; St. Louis; Orlando; and Sacramento.

As the leading provider of discount offers, coupons and promotions, Entertainment Publications has helped schools and community groups across the country raise more than $70 million last year alone. In today's economy, fundraising dollars are more important than ever for these organizations. The funds raised help schools and community groups fund purchases such as classroom supplies, field trips, transportation and more.

"These signs of generosity are especially welcome as we celebrate the season of giving," said MaryAnn Rivers, CEO of Entertainment Publications. "We work hard to create high-value products that in turn raise funds for schools and community organizations. At the end of the day, the credit goes to the generous community members who purchase the products and help support these organizations."

Throughout the past 47 years, schools, religious groups and charitable organizations have used Entertainment fundraising products including The Entertainment Membership Book, Sally Foster® giftwrap and gift products, and a line of cookie doughs and other gourmet edibles.

"Over the past four years, I have enjoyed my affiliation with Entertainment fundraisers, as they have helped to offset the costs of the Katy Taylor High School Band's annual spring trip, a price commitment that is above and beyond the usual expenses of being in a large marching band program," said Kristi Panahi, fundraising coordinator for the Katy Taylor High School Band in Katy, Texas. "I honestly don't know what the kids that use this would do if they didn't have such an awesome program to help offset such expenses. "

In an effort to improve the fundraising process, Entertainment released results of a fundraising etiquette survey earlier this year, revealing effective techniques for fundraising in the workplace.

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