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Monday, November 8, 2010

Where's My Stimulus Package? We Hear You America!

Editor Note:  Come on Georgia!  Let's let the world know how great we are!

/PRNewswire/ -- Escalating unemployment, record foreclosures, an increase in the poverty level. The bad economic news doesn't seem to be stopping and the repercussions of the recession are being felt throughout the country. Reader's Digest, the world's largest global editorial brand, has a response: "We Hear You America. And we want to help."

Beginning today, Reader's Digest launches a national, grassroots campaign designed to help Americans and their hometowns with stimulus packages. The six-month long "We Hear You America" campaign will result in 100 U.S. towns, cities and people benefiting from more than $5 million worth of promotion and financial support to stimulate tourism, civic works, job growth and economic development, it was announced by Dan Lagani, President, Reader's Digest Media.

"'We Hear You America' is all about giving back to the people, towns and cities across the country that have meant so much to Reader's Digest all these years - We can't think of a better way to use the power of the Reader's Digest Brand than to turn it over to the people to tell their stories and to help their communities get back on their feet again," commented Lagani.

By going online, logging on to, typing in the name of their town and clicking on the word "cheer," anyone over age 18 in the continental U.S. will be eligible to receive a stimulus package. Individuals are encouraged to upload photos of their towns, describe their needs, talk about why their towns are "Best in America" or even comment on other submissions. The Reader's Digest "We Hear You America" program will provide stimulus to the towns that "cheer" the loudest (receive the most votes).

Additionally, as an added incentive, individuals will be entered into a sweepstakes to win a family vacation to anywhere in the continental U.S. and a brand new car to take them there. Details are provided at

The stimulus packages will be a combination of money to be presented in person to the town mayors, national coverage in Reader's Digest editorial and local media attention.

Phase two of the program will kick off in mid-January with Reader's Digest's 100 towns in 100 days U.S. tour, coinciding with the previously announced relaunch of Reader's Digest magazine on digital platforms (including the new website Reader's Digest Version, an iPad app and the eNewsletter Reader's Digest Best You.)

"We understand this may be a difficult time for many Americans and we're happy to reach out in this way," said Lisa Sharples, president, Reader's Digest Community. "We aim to provide the greatest value to our community while offering our content to the nation in any format that they want, whenever they want it."

"The We Hear You America effort culminates with our annual 'Best of America' issue in May 2011, and promises to be our most inspiring and affecting one in the series," added Peggy Northrop, Reader's Digest Global Editor-in-Chief.

RDA is a global multi-brand media and marketing company that educates, entertains and connects audiences around the world. The company builds multi-platform communities based on branded content. With offices in 44 countries, it reaches a customer base of 130 million in 78 countries. It publishes 92 magazines, including 50 editions of Reader's Digest, the world's largest-circulation magazine, operates 78 branded websites and sells 40 million books, music and video products across the world each year. Further information about the company can be found at

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